High Stakes and High-Quality Care: ‘This Is What PAs Do’

Michael TruebaAs the nation’s population grows and ages, there is a pressing need for more health care team members. This has led to health care providers, like Certified PAs, being in high demand across the country. Certified PAs, like Michael Trueba, are on the front lines of care and are extremely well-qualified to provide high quality and effective care to their communities in both primary care and specialty areas.


“Certified PAs have a huge impact that not many are aware of,” Trueba said. “I am so proud and grateful on a daily basis for the work I am doing in the urgent care and will continue to do for years to come.”


Trueba recalls that he recently received a heartfelt note from a patient that concluded with, “Thank you sincerely for being in my life.” Trueba had ordered a CT for this patient, which revealed a cyst. If this discovery had not been made, the patient would likely have developed pancreatic cancer.


“There is a sense of pride and honor in becoming a Certified PA and the career itself has grown and continues to grow in the medical field,” Trueba said.


Certified PAs undergo extensive education, focusing on disease prevention and health management, and they are also required to periodically take and pass a comprehensive exam to remain certified.


“It is extremely important to stay up-to-date on medical guidelines and research because it ensures that you are giving the patient the best care and recovery possible,” Trueba said. “This is what Certified PAs do, we provide high quality and effective care for everyone, no matter the condition or prognosis.”


Certified PAs collectively treat more than 9.5 million patients each week. They diagnose patients and manage chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease and cancer.



If you think the Certified PA path may be right for you, check out PAsDoThat.net for more information on the profession and for more stories like this one.